A Project Idea

So, yesterday a friend posted an interesting article about a school district in Florida. Apparently, some conservatives and evangelicals made a big fuss to get Christian religious materials distributed in public schools. Well, the Satanic Church sued to allow their materials in, and the judge agreed that it would be unconstitutional to forbid their stuff while the Christian materials were allowed in. As such, the Satanic Church’s Children’s Activity Book was distributed to the students in the district.

My friend commented that he wished such an activity book existed for Kemetic kids. I couldn’t help myself and jumped up to say I’d be interested in making one. So, if anyone is interested in helping, give me a ring. More importantly, if any Kemetic parents have suggestions for what kind of things they want to see in such a book, please, please tell me!

4 thoughts on “A Project Idea

  1. Neither of us have kids ourselves, I’m afraid. ^_^; Though Tenu’s partner has kids from a previous relationship.

    I can give ideas from stuff I learned during my volunteer work with HeadStart, if that would be of interest? But I’m probably not the best from a direct parental stand point.

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